On June 30, Stefan Börngen, general manager of envitecpro GmbH, was awarded with the title business ambassador of
The assaciation of economic development M-V celebrated its 25th anniversary. Harry Glawe minister of economy, construction and tourism gave the certificate to the future business
ambassador as part of the summer festival in Schwerin. The task is to personally promote the economy of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, especially
abroad. So the trade business will improve and investors are attracted to the region.
TV-report: http://www.mv1.tv/sendungen/8/918/Sommerfest
Link: http://www.invest-in-mv.de/de/leistungen/wirtschaftsbotschafter/
Copyright: Invest in MV, photographer: Jens Büttner
Opening by Harry Glawe; minister of economy, construction and tourism of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Presentation of certificate as business ambassador of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by minister Harry Glawe